Leaving the Scene of an Accident
New York Desk Appearance Ticket Defense Attorney Lance Fletcher
If you left the scene of an accident before providing your insurance information to the other driver or before making a report to law enforcement, you could be accused of leaving the scene of an accident which is a crime. If you are convicted, an offense of this nature could result in serious penalties. The congested streets of New York City make this a commonly charged offense and the Mayor's Office has recently signaled an intention to crack down on vehicular crimes resulting in increased enforcement and prosecution.
Leaving the scene of an accident (VTL 600) carries some of the following potential consequences upon conviction:
- Imprisonment
- Probation
- Immigration, international travel problems
- Permanent criminal record
- Employment problems
- Civil liability (you could be sued by the alleged victim)
Anyone who is convicted of leaving the scene of an accident in New York could also be subjected to a civil liability lawsuit. In such cases, the victim of the accident can sue the defendant for monetary damages. Civil lawsuits of this nature are made in addition to the criminal lawsuits, not in place of them.
How to Build a Strong Defense Against Your Charges
The consequences of a conviction for leaving the scene of the accident can be avoided with the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. As a former prosecutor Lance Fletcher knows how the system works and how to effectively defend your leaving the scene of an accident desk appearance ticket.
When reviewing your case, Mr. Fletcher can assess the conditions under which the accident occurred and determines whether or not you were required to stop. In some cases, an argument can be made that the driver was not aware of his or her need to remain at the scene or that there wasn't an injury. For example, a person who did not pull over after a minor incident might have been under the impression that no accident occurred and, therefore, did not require exchange of information.
To strengthen your case, Attorney Fletcher can evaluate the following as he builds a defense on your behalf:
- Whether or not you were required to stop
- Whether or not there was an accident at all
- Whether or not there was damage to another person and or property
- Whether or not the state has already prepared a case against you
- Any statements you made to the police and whether you were read your rights
Arrested in New York City? Contact us today to schedule your case evaluation.