Theft of Services in New York
Desk Appearance Ticket Defense Attorney
Theft of services is a misdemeanor in the state of New York which means that conviction can lead to jail, a permanent criminal record and other consequences. This offense is commonly charged after an incident involving a restaurant, bar, night club, subway, taxi, or other service providers. Service providers such as cab drivers and restaurants trust that their customers will pay after they provide services. This leaves the service provider vulnerable to a type of theft, similar to shoplifting, but worse, in a way, because the stolen item cannot be replaced. To prevent this, the District Attorney aggressively prosecutes people believed to have failed to pay for services.
The fear of being defrauded makes some service providers, including cabs and restaurants, paranoid which can cause you to be falsely accused. Additionally, many people assume that not paying is a prank or minor misdeed that is too petty for the police. Unfortunately, the District Attorneys in New York are very aggressive in prosecuting theft of services. Fortunately, an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you avoid harsh consequences. Contact The Law Office of Lance Fletcher PLLC for a case evaluation. If you were given a desk appearance ticket following your theft of services arrest, Mr. Fletcher can discuss ways to keep your record clean by avoiding conviction. Depending on the facts of your case, you may have been arrested as a result of misinformation, deliberate lies, a misunderstanding, intoxication, or something as simple as a declined credit card or that you forgot your wallet. If your arrest results in a conviction, this could lead to permanent consequences which could jeopardize your liberty, career, or status so contact us right away for a case evaluation.
What do my charges mean?
Theft of services is charged when someone obtains services, not goods or property, without properly paying. For example, failing to pay for cab fare or skipping out of a restaurant bill can be charged as a theft of services.
Mr. Fletcher has obtained successful outcomes in cases where his client
- Didn't pay a cab driver
- Didn't pay a nightclub after over $1,000 in drinks were ordered
- Didn't pay a restaurant / bar
- Didn't pay for subway transportation
A conviction for theft of services can result in any of the following penalties:
- Up to 1 year in jail
- Up to 3 years of probation
- Up to $1,000 in fines
- Restitution and reparation
- Immigration and / or travel complications
- Permanent criminal record
How The Law Office of Lance Fletcher PLLC Can Help You
Being arrested and issued a desk appearance ticket means that your case has been referred to the District Attorney for prosecution. Never go to court alone. Mr. Fletcher can review the facts of your case and appear with you in court to fight for the best possible outcome. This often means avoiding conviction but the outcome of your desk appearance ticket is highly dependent on the facts and circumstances of your case.
As a former prosecutor, Lance Fletcher is intimately familiar with both sides of the criminal justice system, and he is ready to put his knowledge to work for you. Lance Fletcher handle all types of theft-of-service cases in all New York City courts including in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx, Westchester, and Long Island.
Contact Attorney Lance Fletcher for a a case evaluation today.